Denmark occupied by German troops
German aeroplanes landed in Aalborg this morning
and lorry-born troops are on the way to Aalborg. 

Nordjyllands Social-Demokrat Tirsdag 9. april 1940

The Danish government is reestablished by representatives 
from the Conservatives and Venstre
The Parliament was informed about the decisions of the government
after the German occupation.
In his speach the Prime Minister regretted that good Danish sons
had lost their lives in the early hours of the morning yesterday

Bornholms Avis Onsdag 10. April 1940 


Moscow recognizes
the German occupation

From Berlin it is communicated
that political circles in Moscow
in full agreement appraise
the German occupations
as one is aware that Germany
does not want Scandinavia
to be theater of war
for the Western powers

Bornholms Avis
Torsdag 11. April 1940

Russian landing in Bornholm

German resistance to capitulation
the reason for Russian airraids
on Rønne and Neksø

Nationaltidende Onsdag 10. maj 1945

Russian forces - from a half dozen speedboats -
landed this afternoon around 15 in Rønne and Neksø ports

The landings had been prepared with a couple of terrible bombardings
of the the two towns yesterday.
With the two airraids - each place by a large number of bombers -
- four fifths of all the houses in Neksø -
- and half the houses in Rønne were destroyed.

Nationaltidende Onsdag 10. maj 1945

The Kings meeting with his liberated people

Resistance fighters, police, brigadesoldiers and British soldiers
lined the Kings route from Amalienborg to the Parliament
 - the motorcade was greeted with endless rejoicings

Nationaltidende Onsdag 10.Maj 1945


The last Russian soldier has left Bornholm

A festive day, that will be remembered for a long time
6000 people in Rønne harbour.

Heartfelt words by General Jakuschof at the departure. 

Bornholms Social-Demokrat Fredag 5. April 1946

Bornholm i Østersøen sydøst for sydlige Sverige -
- og øst for nordligste del af Rügen og sydøstlige Sjælland og Møn.

- klik på kortene for større formater -

The Danish island Bornholm in the Baltic -
- southeast of southern Sweden -
- and east of northern part of Rügen (Germany) -
- and southeastern Zealand and Møn (Denmark).

- click on maps for bigger sizes -